
I recently earned my Master’s degree in the field of Computer Science with a focus on autonomous systems. During my Master’s, I joined Fraunhofer as a research assistant to learn about localization, path planning, and navigation for autonomous drones. I also joined the university robotics team and gained experience with object recognition and robot arm manipulation for autonomous mobile robots. I’m currently working on publishing my Master’s thesis at a scientific conference with the support of Fraunhofer and my university.

Work Experience

Fraunhofer FKIE, Germany (2019-2021)

Computer Vision Research Assistant

CTIC UNI, Peru (2017-2018)

Aerodynamics Engineer Consultant

Garrison Flight Research Center, United States (2016)

Collision Avoidance Research Assistant


Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, Germany (2018-2021)

Master of Science in Autonomous Systems

University of Kansas, United States (2013-2016)

Bachelor of Science (Honors) in Aerospace Engineering

Technical Skills


b-it-bots: Our Approach for Autonomous Robotics in Industrial Environments. RoboCup 2019.
